

A variety of both individual and group coaching options to meet your needs.

Individual lifestyle coaching

Anthony is accepting select new clients for individual health and wellness coaching.  Clients must be open minded and highly motivated to make significant progress toward their health and wellness goals.  As with all of Earned Health’s services, the focus will be on your long term success and sustainability so that you will achieve and maintain your personal lifestyle goals, whatever they may be.

Option 1 – Pre-paid single term coaching 

The frequency and term of the coaching will be agreed upon by the coach and client ahead of time, and will vary based on the clients individual needs and objectives.

Option 2 – Ongoing monthly coaching

The frequency and terms of coaching will be agreed upon by Anthony and client ahead of time.  Services will be billed in advance at the beginning of each month and will continue on a monthly basis until either party terminates the agreement in writing.

Group coaching sessions

Throughout each year Anthony will offer various options for group coaching sessions.  As with individual coaching, we look for clients who are open and motivated to make lasting change.  Group sessions, while not as individually focused, do provide the added benefit of learning from others and building community.  Whether on-line or in-person, group coaching can be a valuable component of your lifestyle transformation

To inquire about our coaching services, please contact me using the form below.